電子商務發展趨勢 趨勢的英文怎麼說?
電視購物已經成為最新的趨勢之一.TV shopping has come to be one of the most recent trends.沒有人可以抵抗全球化的趨勢.No one can resist the tendency toward globalization.她的作品透露出現代舞的一個新趨勢.Her works reveala noveldirection of modern dances.帽子的穿戴最近成為一種流行的趨勢.Wearing hats has become a fashion lately.
趨勢的英文trend電視購物已經成為最新的趨勢之一TV shopping has became one of the latest trends.
fad也行 ^^ (..............................................................填空位^^; stupid yahoo)
all the ragecheck Google and you can see how popular this expression is.Purchasing items promoted by Shopping Channels has become all the rage nowadays.
電視購物已經成為最新的趨勢之一.TV shopping has come to be one of the most recent trends.沒有人可以抵抗全球化的趨勢.No one can resist the tendency toward globalization.她的作品透露出現代舞的一個新趨勢.Her works reveala noveldirection of modern dances.帽子的穿戴最近成為一種流行的趨勢.Wearing hats has become a fashion lately.
趨勢的英文trend電視購物已經成為最新的趨勢之一TV shopping has became one of the latest trends.
fad也行 ^^ (..............................................................填空位^^; stupid yahoo)
all the ragecheck Google and you can see how popular this expression is.Purchasing items promoted by Shopping Channels has become all the rage nowadays.
viva電視購物台,東森電視購物網,富邦momo電視購物,電視購物頻道,viva電視購物,東森電視購物,電視購物 英文,u-life電視購物,momo電視購物,電視購物退貨電視購物,英文,has come to,tendency,現代舞,全球化,resist,趨勢,帽子,作品